IRIS Lunar Rover
Lunar Exploration for Everyone

What if anyone could explore the moon?

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Rover Composition

Breaking boundaries in lunar exploration

Upon successful deployment on the Moon, Iris Lunar Rover will be making history as the first university built rover and first American lunar robot on the Moon. During university I had the opportunity to serve as the team's Mission Operations Lead, Systems Lead and helped conduct ConOps tests. Today I currently serve as an advisor and creative expert, producing graphics, animations and other support content for the team.

Iris Lunar Rover is tentatively set to launch sometime 2022 on the Astrobotic Flagship mission onboard the first ULA Vulcan launch

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CubeRover (previous model)

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CubeRover (current model)

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Mission Simulation Collaboration

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Fall 2019 - Onboarding New Members
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Re-imagining the City